
2.1.2. Relationships

a) Relationships either are "permanent", i.e., independent of the program and of its elaboration, or actions may cause them to "hold" or to cease to hold. Relationships may also be "transitive"; i.e., if "*" is such a relationship and A*B and B*C hold, then A*C holds also.

b) "To be the yield of" is a relationship between a value and an action, viz., the elaboration of a scene. This relationship is made to hold upon the completion of that elaboration { }.

c) "To access" is a relationship between a 'PROP' {4.8.1.E } and a value or a scene V which may hold "inside" some specified locale L {whose 'DECSETY LABSETY' envelops 'PROP'} . This relationship is made to hold when 'PROP' is "made to access" V inside L {3.5.2.Step 4 , 4.8.2.a} and it then holds also between any 'PROP1' equivalent to { } 'PROP' and V inside L.

d) The permanent relationships between values are: "to be of the same mode as" { }, "to be smaller than", "to be widenable to", "to be lengthenable to" { } and "to be equivalent to" { }. If one of these relationships is defined at all for a given pair of values, then it either holds or does not hold permanently. These relationships are all transitive.

e) "To refer to" is a relationship between a "name" { } N and some other value. This relationship is made to hold when N is "made to refer to" that value and ceases to hold when N is made to refer to some other value.

f) There are three transitive relationships between scopes, viz., a scope A { } may be either "newer than", or "the same as" or "older than" a scope B. If A is newer than B, then B is older than A and vice-versa. If A is the same as B, then A is neither newer nor older than B {but the converse is not necessarily true, since the relationship is not defined at all for some pairs of scopes}.

g) "To be a subname of" is a relationship between a name and a "stowed name" { }. This relationship is made to hold when that stowed name is "endowed with subnames" { , } or when it is "generated" {, l }, and it continues to hold until that stowed name is endowed with a different set of subnames.