
5. Units

{Units are used to program the more primitive actions or to put into one single piece the larger constructs of Chapter 3.

NOTION-coercees are the results of coercion (Chapter 6), but hips are not; in the case of ENCLOSED-clauses, any coercions needed are performed inside them.

The syntax below implies, for example, that text OF draft + "the end" is parsed as (text OF draft) + "the end" since a selection is a 'SECONDARY' whereas a formula is a 'TERTIARY'.}

5.1. Syntax

A) UNIT{32d } :: assignation{521a} coercee ; identity relation{522a } coercee ; routine text{541a,b } coercee ; jump{544a} ; skip{552a } ; TERTIARY{B}.

B) TERTIARY{A,521b ,522a} :: ADIC formula{542a,b } coercee ; nihil{524a} ; SECONDARY{C}.

C) SECONDARY{B,531a ,542c} :: LEAP generator{523a } coercee ; selection{531a} coercee ; PRIMARY{D}.

D) PRIMARY{C,532a ,543a} :: slice{532a } coercee ; call{543a} coercee ; cast{551a } coercee ; denoter{80a} coercee ; format text{A341a } coercee ; applied identifier with TAG{48b } coercee ; ENCLOSED clause{31a ,33a,c,d,e,34a,35a} . {The hyper-rules for 'SORT MOID FORM coercee' are given in 6.1.1.a,b,c,d and e, the entry rules of the coercion syntax. When the coercion syntax is invoked for some 'SORT MOID FORM coercee', it will eventually return to a rule in this chapter for some 'MOID1 FORM' (blind alleys apart). It is the cross-reference to that rule that is given in the metaproduction rules above. No other visible descendent has been produced in the meantime; the coercion syntax merely transforms 'MOID' into 'MOID1' for semantical purposes.}

a) *SOME hip : SOME jump{544a } ; SOME skip{552a } ; SOME nihil{524a} . {The mode of a hip is always that required, a posteriori, by its context, and its yield is acceptable to that mode. Since any mode is so easily accommodated, no coercion is permitted.}