
6.2. Dereferencing

{Dereferencing serves to obtain the value referred to by a name, as in x := y, where y yields a name referring to a real number and it is this number which is assigned to the name yielded by x. The a priori mode of y, regarded as a coercend, is 'reference to real' and its a posteriori mode, when y is regarded as a coercee, is 'real'.}

6.2.1. Syntax

a) dereferenced to{61C } MODE1 FORM : MEEK{61C} REF to MODE2 FORM, where MODE2 deflexes to MODE1{47a,b,c ,-}. {Example:


x (in REAL(x))

6.2.2. Semantics

The yield W of a dereferenced-to-MODE-FORM F is determined as follows:

· let {the name} N be the yield of the MEEK-FORM of F;

· it is required that N be not nil;

· W is the value referred to by N.