
9.3. Representations

a) A construct in the strict language must be represented in some "representation language" such as the "reference language", which is used in this Report. Other representation languages specially suited to the supposed preference of some human or mechanical interpreter of the language may be termed "publication" or "hardware" languages. {The reference language is intended to be used for the representation of particular-programs and of their descendents. It is, however, also used in Chapter 10 for the definition of the standard environment.}

b) A "construct in a representation language" is obtained from the terminal production T { } of the corresponding construct in the strict language { } by replacing the symbols in T by their representations, as specified in 9.4 below in the case of the reference language.

{Thus, the strict-language particular-program whose terminal production is 'bold begin symbol' 'skip symbol' 'bold end symbol' gives rise to the reference language particular-program BEGIN SKIP END.}

c) An implementation {2.2.2.c } of ALGOL 68 which uses representations which are sufficiently close to those of the reference language to be recognized without further elucidation, and which does not augment or restrict the available representations other than as provided for below {9.4.a, b, c }, is an "implementation of the reference language". {E.g., BEGIN, begin, BEGIN, .begin

f and 'begin' could all be representations of the bold-begin-symbol in an implementation of the reference language; some combination of holes in a punched card might be a representation of it in some hardware language.}