

Habent sua fata libelli. De litteris Terentianus Maurus

Working Group 2.1 on ALGOL of the International Federation for Information Processing has discussed the development of "ALGOL X", a successor to ALGOL 60 [3] since 1963. At its meeting in Princeton in May 1965, WG 2.1 invited written descriptions of the language based on the previous discussions. At the meeting in St Pierre de Chartreuse near Grenoble in October 1965, three reports describing more or less complete languages were amongst the contributions, by Niklaus Wirth [8], Gerhard Seegmueller [6], and Aad van Wijngaarden [9]. In [6] and [8], the descriptional technique of [3] was used, whereas [9] featured a new technique for language design and definition. Other significant contributions available were papers by Tony Hoare [2] and Peter Naur [4, 5].

At subsequent meetings between April 1966 and December 1968, held in Kootwijk near Amsterdam, Warsaw, Zandvoort near Amsterdam, Tirrenia near Pisa and North Berwick near Edinburgh, a number of successive approximations to a final report, commencing with [10] and followed by a series numbered MR 88, MR 92, MR 93, MR 95, MR 99 and MR 100, were submitted by a team working in Amsterdam, consisting first of A. van Wijngaarden and Barry Mailloux, later reinforced by John Peck, and finally by Kees Koster. Versions were used during courses on the language held at various centres, and the experience gained in explaining the language to skilled audiences and the reactions of the students influenced the succeeding versions. The final version, MR 101 [11], was adopted by the Working Group on December 20th 1968 in Munich, and was subsequently approved for publication by the General Assembly of I.F.I.P. Since that time, it has been published in Numerische Mathematik [12], and translations have been made into Russian) [13], into German [14], into French [15], and into Bulgarian [16]. An "Informal Introduction", for the benefit of the uninitiated reader, was also prepared at the request of the Working Group [18].

The original authors acknowledged with pleasure and thanks the wholehearted cooperation, support, interest, criticism and violent objections from members of WG 2.1 and many other people interested in ALGOL. At the risk of embarrassing omissions, special mention should be made of Jan Garwick, Jack Merner, Peter Ingerman and Manfred Paul for [1], the Brussels group consisting of M. Sintzoff, P. Branquart, J. Lewi and P. Wodon for numerous brainstorms, A.J.M. van Gils of Apeldoorn, G. Goos and his group at Munich, also for [7], G.S. Tseytin of Leningrad, and L.G.L.T. Meertens and J.W. de Bakker of Amsterdam. An occasional choice of a, not inherently meaningful, identifier in the sequel may compensate for not mentioning more names in this section.

Since the publication of the Original Report, much discussion has taken place in the Working Group concerning the further development of the language. This has been influenced by the experience of many people who saw disadvantages in the original proposals and suggested revised or extended features. Amongst these must be mentioned especially: I.R. Currie, Susan G. Bond, J.D. Morison and D. Jenkins of Malvern (see in [17]), in whose dialect of ALGOL 68 many features of this Revision may already be found; P. Branquart, J.P. Cardinael and J. Lewi of Brussels, who exposed many weaknesses (see in [17]); Ursula Hill, H. Woessner and H. Scheidig of Munich, who discovered some unpleasant consequences: the contributors to the Rapport d'Evaluation [19]: and the many people who served on the Working Group subcommittees on Maintenance and Improvements (convened by M. Sintzoff) and on Transput (convened by C.H. Lindsey). During the later stages of the revision, much helpful advice was given by H. Boom of Edmonton, W. Freeman of York, W.J. Hansen of Vancouver, Mary Zosel of Livermore, N. Yoneda of Tokyo, M. Rain of Trondheim, L. Ammeraal, D. Grune, H. van Vliet and R. van Vliet of Amsterdam, G. van der Mey of Delft, and A.A. Baehrs and A.F. Rar of Novosibirsk. The editors of this revision also wish to acknowledge that the wholehearted cooperation, support, interest, criticism and violent objections on the part of the members of WG 2.1 have continued unabated during this time.

[1] J.V. Garwick, J.M. Merner, P.Z. Ingerman and M. Paul, Report of the ALGOL-X - I-O Subcommittee, WG 2.1 Working Paper, July 1966.

[2] C.A.R. Hoare, Record Handling, WG 2.1 Working Paper, October 1965; also AB.21.3.6. November 1965.

[3] P. Naur (Editor), Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60, Regnecentralen, Copenhagen, 1962, and elsewhere.

[4] P. Naur, Proposals for a new language, AB.18.3.9, October 1964.

[5] P. Naur, Proposals for introduction on aims, WG 2.1 Working Paper, October 1965.

[6] G. Seegmueller, A proposal four a basis for a Report on a Successor to ALGOL 60. Bavarian Acad. Sci., Munich, October 1965.

[7] G. Goos, H. Scheidig, G. Seegmueller and H. Walther, Another proposal for ALGOL 67. Bavarian Acad. Sci., Munich, May 1967.

[8] N. Wirth, A Proposal for a Report on a Successor of ALGOL 60, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, MR 75, October 1965.

[9] A. van Wijngaarden, Orthogonal Design and Description of a Formal Language, Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, MR 76, October 1965.

[10] A. van Wijngaarden and B.J. Mailloux, A Draft Proposal for the Algorithmic Language ALGOL X, WG 2.1 Working Paper, October 1966.

[11] A. van Wijngaarden (Editor), B.J. Mailloux, J.E.L. Peck and C.H.A. Koster, Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 68, Mathematisch Centrum. Amsterdam, MR 101, February 1969.

[12] idem, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 14, pp. 79-218. 1969.

[13] Soobshchenie ob algoritmicheskom yazyke ALGOL 68, translation into Russian by A.A. Baehrs, A.P. Ershov, L.L. Zmievskaya and A.F. Rar. Kybernetica, Kiev, Part 6 of 1969 and Part 1 of 1970.

[14] Bericht ueber die Algorithmische Sprache ALGOL 68, translation into German by I.O. Kerner, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1972.

[15] Définition du Langage Algorithmique ALGOL 68, translation into French by J. Buffet, P. Arnal, A. Quéré (Eds.), Hermann, Paris, 1972.

[16] Algoritmichniyat yezik ALGOL 68, translation into Bulgarian by D. Toshkov and St. Buchvarov, Nauka i Yzkustvo, Sofia, 1971.

[17] J.E.L. Peck (Ed.), ALGOL 68 Implementation (proceedings of the I.F.I.P. working conference held in Munich in 1970), North Holland Publishing Company, 1971.

[18] C.H. Lindsey and S.G. van der Meulen, Informal introduction to ALGOL 68, North Holland Publishing Company 1971.

[19] J.C. Boussard and J.J. Duby (Eds.), Rapport d'Evaluation ALGOL 68, Revue d'Informatique et de Recherche Opérationelle, B2, Paris, 1970.

W.J.Hansen and H. Boom, Report on the Standard Hardware Representation for ALGOL 68, Algol Bulletin 40.5.